I completed my grueling (ha!) two-day workweek with flying colors. After work, L. and I swam some laps at the gym and then tried Takumi, an unassuming Japanese restaurant on the east side. I'd heard good things about it, but its location in a strip mall had always made me leery. Surprisingly, once inside I forgot that I was in a strip mall. Its tasteful decor is welcoming and doesn't venture into swanky bistro territory. The food was satisfying and simple. We had miso soup, age (fried) tofu, ika kara age (fried squid), seaweed salad, a California roll, and the crunch 2-in-1 roll.
I'm slowing re-acclimating to winter. While I was getting ready for work on Thursday morning, I spied a sweet little bunny perched on a snow bank in the backyard. Not sure what s/he was doing there--just chillin', as far I could tell. He could have been hatching sinister plans to steal Bob's identity (Bob is the bunny who lives upstairs) or contemplating his own existential dilemma, I suppose. But I'm pretty sure he was just chillin'. I snapped this wretched shot of him before startling him away with my second attempt. (So much for the career as a wildlife photographer. :))
Polo spies many more bunnies than I do. We must go to Takumi again sometime. That guy at the table next to us was way into it.