Friday, March 28, 2014

Spicy Cootie-patootie + Kickass Mold

I'm very proud of installing up this spice rack solo.

And this was a cute outfit.

And this is some kickass mold that I inadvertently grew on some artichokes in my fridge. I'm usually pretty good about avoiding disgusting stuff like this in the fridge, but it was in the far back. I overlooked it until it became impressive. It's actually kinda pretty in a way. ;)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Evensong Spa

Laura and I channeled our inner divas and went to the Evensong Spa in Green Lake a few weeks ago.

At breakfast
Sorry for the wretchedly dark photo. The sunny landscape wasn't doing us any photographic favors, but it, plus the bare trees and the snowy lake, made for a lovely view.

This time, I didn't walk the labyrinth, but L. did. It seems a little cheesy, but it really is very soothing. And the bank of windows affords a lovely view of the surrounding landscape.

Failure: Roasted Green Tomatoes

This soup was an utter failure.  I roasted a bunch of green tomatoes, thinking I could salvage them from the fall garden. I'd make roast...