Monday, June 28, 2010


I have a new pair of Skechers Shape-Ups, and I love them. They do nothing to downplay my skinny chicken legs, but since I won't be developing the gams of Serena Williams anytime soon, I'm just gotta deal with it. They're uber-cushy, which is heavenly for those with flat feet. I probably won't attend any workout classes in them for fear of people thinking I'd downed an array of cocktails prior to class, but I'll wear them for walking and on the elliptical or the bike at the gym. It's really the standing still that is problematic because you're constantly trying to correct for the fact that you are somewhat imbalanced by the rocking of the shoe. For instance, while I was waiting for the light at a curb the other day, a stiff wind kicked up, further messing with my already precarious balance. So I pretended that I had a sudden urge to step and turn to look at something over to the left. Otherwise, I imagine I would've looked like I was doing a mini line-dancing routine.

Blogger just erased a lengthy post about the asparagus tart and chocolate beet cake I made last night. Grr. And it's now past my bedtime, so you'll have to wait for me to re-create that post tomorrow.

Bon nuit, dear readers (all 3 of you ;)).

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