Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Chipmunk Love?

It's kinda like "Muskrat Love" without the unseemly overtones. (That scene from Arrested Development still makes me laugh my patootie off.

In all seriousness, it was an eventful morning. I attended the initial meeting for getting food stamps (Quest/FoodShare...call it what you want...food stamps is easier to remember) and job training. After I got back, I puttered in my balcony garden. I was just wrapping up to come inside, hit the potty, and eat something when Barty chased a trapped chipmunk into my tiny kitchen. After trying to coax the poor dear into a tea box from the recycling bag nearby to get it back outside (and not getting bitten in the bargain), I locked B. in the bathroom (nearest spot w/ a closing door...thanks, open floor plan! ;)) and scurried back, only to discover that Miss Saffy had taken care of the situation. Pretty sure she broke its back in her jaws, but maybe it was only in shock. Dunno. I took it outside and deposited it in one of the protected flower beds. Oof. That's enough excitement of that particular nature of excitement for today.

Going to plant some more stuff that chipmunks—and mosquitoes, and other critters—don't like to try to avoid another episode.

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