Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Curiosity Killed the Greek Cat?

I have a new feline companion, Saffron (named for the daughter in AbFab) or Chickpea or Ceci (Italian for chickpea). On a recent weekend morning, I heard a crash from the kitchen and watched Saffy bolt under my bed. Assured that she hadn't killed herself, I drifted back to sleep.

Ceci Meets Yogurt

In my half-asleep daze, I assumed she'd been trying to fish water out of a glass with her paw on the and had accidentally knocked it off. When I made it to the kitchen, I discovered two broken wine glasses on the kitchen floor. She must've been exploring the wine rack mounted above the microwave, which tells me that she's more curious about heights than Dexter and Grace.


I had to chuckle to myself as I swept the kitchen floor. Maybe she's a Greek cat, I thought, and was tossing dishes against the wall (I know it's a stereotype, but doesn't it seem like a fun thing to do? Just whipping plates against the wall. It could be cathartic.). I didn't hear any shouts of "oom-pa" and there was no Ouzo on site. ;)

On her perch

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